In the begining was the word maker
There is a full scale model of the poem, click it up to scale if you must, but that is not where the secret is, you have to play and experiment with the this thing. It is not for reading per se, the words just happen to be the dimensional lumber in an architecture that builds a literacy. In other words the post window is but a snapshot on a growing and developing structure designed to alter the way we see the world.
created and posted by AB
wow.. i thought for a moment there i had evolved into another century... very sci fi feeling.....
Sometimes when I get here, I wonder where I am. This is a fine scaffold.
Fascinating. Audio & visual sit together well. Shades of Bob Cobbing's world.
Alan -- this is haunting and fascinating... and completely wonderful!
We always get to see/read something new here.
This is really good - a kind of robotic sound and a futuristic feel to it. Very adventurous!
Crazy! What a treat to read and hear smething so different!
Very different! I liked it.
Mad Kane
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