Poems for Spring

Spring is a popular topic for poems: Read all about what Garrison Keillor had to say about the A Prairie Home Companion Spring Lyric Contest and read the the 15 finalist poems chosen for 2007.
Here is a revised version o our entry composed originally on the first full day of spring this year. It was particularly warm that day and the snow from one of largest blizzards in years was about gone although it had been less than 3 weeks before.
Ephemeral Song
running gurgles
rushing whirling breeze tossed
snow melting equinox chaos
joie de vivre ?
Warm winds one month early
lull prairie refuges to drop
their guard.
March is fickle.
Like Sirens from the sea
Odysseus heard long ago,
cold waits
unseen ...
April's surge makes
aqueous stones young ducks,
enamored like love stunned sailors,
Thought about the form and some of my favorite poets: Her (American poet Adelaide Crapsey) cinquains were published posthumously in 1915 in her The Complete Poems. Cinquains became better known through the work of Carl Sandburg (Cornhuskers, 1918) and Louis Untermeyer (Modern American Poetry, 1919).
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